Services Description Cargolift Construction Services
Cargolift Construction Services is a vertical structure service that is used to transport or goods. Goods lifts are generally used in high-rise buildings; usually more than one floor. Goods lifts in modern times have buttons that can be selected according to the floor of their destination, there are three types of machines, namely Hidraulic, Traction or fixed pulley, and Hoist or double pulley.
CV Blatindoputra Utama is ready to serve Cargolift Construction Services to various cities as follows:
Cikampek / Purwakarta / Depok / Tangerang / Merak / Cilegon / Serang / Banten / Bogor / Cianjur / Sukabumi / Bandung / Cirebon / Indramayu / Solo / Yogyakarta / Klaten / Cilacap / Purwokerto / jambi / Padang / Bengkulu / Medan / North Sumatra / Pekanbaru / Dumai / Duri / Bandar Lampung / Jakarta / Bekasi / Cikarang / Karawang / Banda Aceh / Pangkalan Susu / Pangkalan Brandan / Binjai / Tebing Tinggi / Siantar / Belawan / Tanjung Morawa /
Price and Specification Details, Contact:
Syamsul Bahri / Sales Manager
Phone Office: 021 55732755
Mobile Phone: 081286086862
Email: [email protected]
City Harmony Building (Harkot) Block D7 No.2
Jln Merdeka Raya No. 53, Kota Tangerang-Banten