Cargo Lift is vertical freight transportation. Cargo LIft are widely used in use, restaurants, aseet warehouses, etc.
Freight Elevator Specifications:
1. Capacity of Goods LIft
LIft capacity of goods is 100 Kg - 10000Kg
2. Dimensions of the cabin or freight elevator basket
Because Blatindoputra Utama is a product manufacturing company, the dimensions of product literature can be adjusted according to your needs.
3. High LIft of Goods
The height of the LIft of the goods depends on the condition of the existing warehouse or as needed.
Contact us:
Syamsul Bahri
Harkot Building Blok D7 No.2
JLn Merdeka Raya No. 53 Kec. Karawaci-tangerang
Mobile phone 081286086862
Office Phone 021 55732755